Monday, January 5, 2015

A few days at home

A busy few days…

We went through a major purge in our bedroom and kitchen. Things that have been hiding in cupboards and closets and drawers were brought out, loaded into our car, and delivered to our City Mission. I feel terrible that things that were just sitting here could be a blessing to someone who needs something. It felt good to share…I wish we would have done it sooner.

My son celebrated his 16th birthday. Friends and family were over. Thoughtful and very generous gifts were given. It was a joy just to celebrate him. I could write pages and pages about him…will save that for another time. (This mom gets a tad weepy reflecting on where we are at in our parenting journey. Letting go a little each day is getting more difficult as we see his adulthood knocking at our door.)

Winter weather is here, which translates to plenty of cooking, snow shoveling, reading, and reorganizing. It was a lovely few days and I love the fact that my kitchen feels "brand new" now that it is simplified and organized. I even want to cook more… My guys are grateful for that.

We were scheduled to a gathering about an hour from our home yesterday and I hate to admit that I am grateful of the event being cancelled due to weather. It would have been nice to see extended family, but it was so nice just to be home and tie up loose ends before returning to school the next day. Our family really is a group of homebodies that relish in the idea of a whole weekend at home with no agenda. 

The beauty in all of this? Home

We may not have the grandest, up to date, full of the latest and greatest toys place, but I think our home is a beautiful space. It is a place where we want to be. It is a place that is safe and where we can recharge after being out in the world. It is a beautiful place to celebrate who we are. It is where we feel secure enough that we can get past ourselves so we can serve and share with others… I love the beautiful place that we call home. 

Challenge: Home may not be perfect (ours definitely is not!), but can you look for the beauty that is there right now? It may be obvious, it may be hidden. And if you are struggling to see any beauty, is there something that you can create or bring to it now? Cleaning a small part (a drawer, a cupboard, a room), creating a dish or artwork or music, a loving conversation with a spouse or child or friend… 

Look for some small touch of beauty in your home. As soon as I saw it here, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. It makes the ordinary feel extraordinary. 

I am grateful.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New year, new blog

A little trite to start a new blog on Day 1 of a new year, but that is how this shall begin anyway. My challenge is write consistently throughout 2015. I have been on a journey the past few years of cleaning house (physically and metaphorically), simplifying, prioritizing, and focusing on that which truly matters. While working through the process, writing slowed and then stopped completely. Really, it is rather sad that writing was not a part of the process. I have learned much and looking back now, I would have loved to read and reflect on each step in the metamorphosis into the me I am now.

So, here we are. New year, new blog. Challenge is to write consistently. Goal is to look at each day, hunting for the beautiful moments, events, things, despite how difficult and challenging life can be. 

Here begins a journey of looking for the beautiful in each day...